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Monday, August 30, 2010

No Athiests in fox holes...

Someone recently mentioned the old axiom that there are no atheists in foxholes. So we decided to research that statement and find out. The answer may surprise you, but not only are there plenty of atheists in foxholes, some people who went into those foxholes believing in god came out non-believers. For example Shy David's grandfather was a Calvinistic Methodist when he entered the war and when he returned he forbade his family practicing any religion at home, (those were different times folks) his exact quote was "Either God is a bastard, or God isn't there at all." Many of the returning veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan are atheists, or at least agnostic. And just to prove the point the Freedom from religion foundation recently (1999)erected an Atheists in Foxholes monument in Lake Hypatia Alabama, It is dedicated to the many atheists who gave their lives in defense of their country. The organization has more that 16000 members who fight religious intrusion on the constitutional right to freedom of religion. Or freedom from religion in this case. We at The Crazy would like to point out that we have no problem with any true religion practicing in this country, but when a religion begins to attempt to control our government we are offended. For example in 1954 during the communist scare a Chaplain from Chicago began putting the words "under god" in the pledge of allegiance, claiming that if Lincoln can use those words in the Gettysburg address that we can use it in the pledge of allegiance, (one problem with this idea is that President Lincoln's hand written copy of the speech does not contain the words "under god" although many believed he did say them on the podium.) Sadly the pledge of allegiance still contains the words. Although a student in Florida refused to say the pledge recently and was removed from the classroom, (illegally we might add) and had to go to court to be reinstated. In 2005 the House attempted to pass a bill which would make it illegal to attempt to change the pledge of allegiance, (which would have violated the 1st and 14th amendments to the constitution) but fortunately the Senate did not vote on it which killed the bill. But we ramble, the point to all of this is that yes there are atheists in foxholes, but unfortunately there seem to be no atheists in government, which is a shame. Just making a point, ciao for now.

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