Came across an article about crows, it seems field biologists have been doing studies on crows.. when they would catch them and band them for further study biologists have noted that the birds would react to the same people coming back to observe them.
One of the biologists John Marzluff from the University of Washington in Seattle got the bright idea of wearing masks to tag the birds just to check and see if the birds really were remembering who it was that tagged them. And sure enough the birds would react negatively to whoever was wearing the mask if the mask was worn to tag the birds.
They did not however respond strongly to the Dick Cheney mask being worn by researchers which shows that they don't read newspapers. What is really surprising is that up to three years later the birds would still respond to the mask even if they had not seen it in a long while. They would scold whoever was wearing the mask as they approached. You can see the article here. So next time you are outside and crows are around remember, they can tell you apart from other people, but can you tell one crow from another...? just another page from our weird world, and another day here at the crazy. Ciao for now.
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