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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Icky icky gooey sicky......

Another one of those nights, the sandman is in hiding, woke up at 4:30 AM, after going to sleep at about midnight. Rude awakening number one was stepping in a huge pile of cat vomit while going into the kitchen to get some water for coffee. (We swear two or three cats must have taken turns vomiting in the same pile to make it that big.) So after hopping across the kitchen to the paper towel rack (all the while flinging foul flecks of vomitous flak across the room and swearing like a drunken sailor with tourettes .) and then cleaning foot and floor and furniture. Finally managed to get the coffee brewing and sit down for the morning news. And was a little disappointed to find that South Park has succumbed to pressure from an Islamic organization called Revolution Muslim. It seems the organization was offended by Matt and Trey's portrayal of Muhammad on the show. (They had Muhammad speaking while hidden inside a U-Haul trailer so as not to make his image appear, they later showed Muhammad but wearing a bear suit, which eventually was revealed to be Santa Claus pretending to be Muhammad, or so the news story says.) But we will never know for sure because the episode won't be shown again. It is also not going to be placed for streaming on Comedy Centrals website. Ok gotta say not pleased about that, we did on image search on Google for Muhammad and found over a million hits with images of Muhammad. Here is our opinion. We think every newspaper and online web site in America should post a drawing of Muhammad (A respectful one please.) If the radical Muslims want to kill us all anyway might as well give em a reason. One thing we should not do however is succumb to threats. And clearly the South Park creators were threatened, (the Revolution Muslim organization called it a warning, claiming they were not threatening the South Park creators but just pointing out what 'probably' would happen to them if they ran the show again.) From what we have read of Matt and Trey they probably would have run the show anyway if Comedy Central had let them. And that is as it should be, America has a free press, and it should remain free. We have seen many things in the news that have offended us, but will not and can not abide someone telling a newspaper or online magazine what they can or can not print. Case in point... we are not allowed to post an image of Muhammad in this blog. The penalty for doing so would be the immediate cancellation of our blog. Can anyone recommend a blog posting site that will allow it?
Oh and one more important point, you will notice above that we state RADICAL Muslims are threatening to kill people over images of Muhammad. And that is true, but most Muslims in America while being offended by an image of Muhammad would simply cease support of any organization or magazine that printed the image. In other words if you are offended by a magazine or newspaper you are reading you can simply stop reading it. (Much as we at the Crazy have stopped listening to Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, and Fox news.) For example we were recently offended by a Garfield cartoon that we felt was too cruel to Poor Odie, but we have not started a fatwa on Jim Davis, although a Jihad is not out of the question. Just our opinion, we could be wrong. Ciao for now.

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