Sitting down to write the post this morning we couldn't help but notice an entire week has gone by without us airing any of our insane rants or ramblings about anything at all. Actually the whole week is a bit of a blur. Between Doctor visits for yours truly and Connal missing his last day of school before summer due to vomiting it's been eventful to say the least. Connal being the stoic heroic fellow that he is never complains. While cleaning him up and setting up some programming on Netflix for him to watch we discussed his illness and as always he says "I'm fine." between vomiting. Somehow by two in the afternoon he was better, eating and drinking without losing anything. This morning he was downstairs on the computer before Mom and Dad got out of bed. His Father on the other hand is not doing quite as well, (and complains about it incessantly as Connal's mother will tell you.) It appears as if I had a severe allergic reaction to something. We know not what. The Doctor has prescribed antivert to help with the dizziness and make me as sleepy and grumpy as possible without actually letting me sleep. We are not sure if it was the allergic reaction that was the scariest or the ensuing panic attack, (At least that's what I'm being told.)which began with all the blood rushing out of my extremities and leaving me shivering under blankets like a 10 year old after a camp out horror story. This was followed by a rush of blood to my face and chest which left me looking like a cigar store Indian. (I hope if someone of Amerind descent reads this they accept that cigar store Indians are part of the culture I was raised on and not in any way meant to denigrate the proud original people of this country.)
So between the cycle of hot flashes and freezer pop extremities in which I assumed I was either going to die or burst into flame, I had an eventful evening. And through it all was Wolfie calming me down, getting me fluids when I was thirsty, getting me wool socks for my cold feet. Administering to me like the ghost of Florence Nightingale. Amazingly she also told me I was having an allergic reaction and a panic attack. Who needs a doctor? And that is pretty much it, a week of inactivity followed by a few days of intense drama. The family has survived of course, Connal is watching videos and feeling fine, Wolfie is sleeping a well earned sleep upstairs, and I am able to sit up for an extended period of time. Which I have used to update the blog and vent my spleen a little. (What does that mean exactly?) So it goes. And now I'm going to lay down on the couch for a while as I am feeling a little dizzy (dizzier than usual anyway.) Ciao for now.
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