We at the crazy love to read, pretty much anything we can get our hands on. (Although the reading of novels has declined recently. It is summer after all.) So in a bleary eyed, coffee slogging attempt to wake up this morning we stumbled across a couple of little known historical facts. These are things you won't find in your history books, (at least most history books.) For example we have all heard "Remember the Alamo." But a lot of us are unaware of the cause of the battle. You see Texas wanted to be independent of Mexico. (Understandable, as the Mexican government treated most Texans rather harshly.) But the main reason Texas wanted independence is because Mexico had just abolished slavery, and wanted Texas to do the same. And Texas wanted none of that as slave trade was profitable. We are not denigrating the fine men who fought and died for liberty. And Santa Anna would surely have overun Texas had the battle at the Alamo not taken place. But the Mexican Army freed the remaining slaves held at the Alamo after vanquishing the Texans. (Including a slave named Sam who was owned by James Bowie, and Colonel Travis Slave Joe.) We at the crazy do love our country, but don't agree with the phrase "Our country right or wrong." As all conquerors we took this nation by force.
The indigent people who resided here for centuries were simply moved, or wiped out.
Do we want to give it back to them, No, But reparations are being made and we at the crazy agree with them. Destroying the culture of the previous residents of this country will come with a cost. And that is a bill we should pay without question. As a civilization we are learning, we are less likely to destroy a culture when we stumble upon it. (Recently we discovered a tree dwelling tribe in the Papua New Guinea, and a few years ago another in the Amazon jungle, the local governments are doing everything they can to preserve the lifestyle of these people.) So maybe there is hope for us yet. (That is unless an advanced Alien race perhaps lands on Earth someday and decides we need to live like them.) Just a little non-revisionist history. We are Americans and as such we should take responsiblity for our failures as well as our successes. Have a good week, ciao for now.
When I can, I try to repay in kindness my misdeeds. But we are all guilty of selfishness or pure greed at one time or another. For example you just called me a hypocrite bastard, and as far I as I know I have never wronged you. But thanks for the input.