Recently a church in South Florida has decided to burn the Koran on Sept 11th as a protest to the extremist Muslim cause. And although we at the Crazy condone free speech, we disapprove of this action. Sure he has the right to burn the Koran, or the bible or the flag, but doing so will incite riots and violence in places where American lives are at risk. It is our sincere hope that someone also throws a bible on the fire to get the point across to those idiots (about 40 or so attend the church) what they are starting, (although doing so might get you killed as the Pastor has armed himself due to death threats.) If however someone does attempt to kill this guy our only hope is that no one else gets hurt in the crossfire. It's obvious to us here at The Crazy that doing something so hateful will only lead to more violence and bloodshed. Let's face it, burning the Koran is not going to endear us to any one of the dozen or so extremist Muslim organizations, and they are certainly not going to understand that the right to burn the Koran is guaranteed by our constitution. They will simply see it as the work of the devil, and assume the great Satan is at it again.
We should also point out that NOT burning the Koran won't make much difference either. They will still hate us. And we will still have to deal with them someday. Fortunately these extremist Muslims hate each other as much as they hate us, so maybe we will get lucky and they will kill each other off. Here's hoping. So what is the upside to burning the Koran, well, anyone? Point made we think, no one here can think of any upside to burning the Koran other than keeping warm on a cold day. Anyway just our opinion, ciao for now.
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