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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

No solicitors...

(A quick point to make here, we in no way believe that the message conveyed to us by the Door to Door religious salesman represents the views of  the Biblical Jesus Christ. We are not in this post declaring our belief or disbelief in the trinity or any deity for that matter. We are just making a point about our view of the world. And the tactics of some religious organizations... which shall remain nameless)

It started with a couple of pamphlets in our front door, we found them one morning as we were going to an appointment. A few weeks later we received a postcard with his picture on it, telling us the end was coming. Asking how we would face eternity. These are not implied threats, they are clear cut out and out predictions of our imminent death. That's right, Jesus Christ is stalking us. Telling us that all the signs are there and we are surely going to die. (One of the pamphlets had the nerve to ask us to send money.) The other day a man  came to the door and told us the world is fast devolving into chaos. We tried to explain that there is no more chaos in the world than there has always been, that 24 hour news stations spouting all the bad news everyday just made it seem like there was more. How actually there are less wars now than in half of human history. How diseases that wiped out entire cultures have been eradicated, how crime rates are actually falling in most major cities. But he would have none of it. He mentioned the recent major earthquakes. The terrorist activity. We pointed out that there are over 600.000 measurable earthquakes every year. About 134 of them averaging 6.0 to 6.9. We pointed out that there have always been terrorists, the Christians of the middle ages for example trying to drive the Muslims out of Jerusalem committed atrocious acts of barbarism. We tried to explain how we live in a wonderful time, humankind is perched on the edge of great changes, some of the keys to aging are being found, we may have found ways to increase food production ten fold and wipe hunger from the face of the planet. Free energy for everyone is a real possibility. We are on the threshold of deep space exploration. Major discoveries are being made at the subatomic level that will change our lives forever. We explained how in the last hundred years humans have begun to completely change the industrial dynamic, information and communication are beginning to become the primary industry in many countries. We hope that he left our door with a new understanding of the world we live in. But sadly we doubt it. We can't speak for Jesus Christ, but one would think that a man who spread a message of love to the world would be offended by people trying to sell him door to door like a vacuum cleaner. Just a thought. We could be wrong. Ciao for now.


  1. Yes, we have come a long way as a species. We can control and learn all there is to learn about where we live, how to live, and what can make our living better. But in doing so we take for granted that we are slaves to the one thing that can and will be our demise, our natural resources. With all of our great achievements and technologies of our age, one would think that we could come up with a cure for cancer and AIDS. We can sure make good i-pads and personal devices that make us so happy and make our lives so much better though, but the aforementioned illnesses are just out of our reach. Maybe the powers that be have realized that if we did find cures for these diseases today, tomorrow we would have to come up with a new kind of energy source. We are at a tipping point with our natural resources as it is with 7 billion people on this Earth. And most of these people can't enjoy the luxuries we have in this country and take for granted every day. There has to be a balance between natural resources and population. As you mentioned, we have had less deaths in our wars of today than in years past. The wars of the past were fought face to face and hundreds of thousands would die on the battle fields. Today we send unmanned drones of destruction to do the killings for us. Past wars were kind of like population control, if they would not have been we would have like some 4 billion more souls on this Earth. I wonder what that would be like, probably not so great.

  2. Let's say that there were four more billion people on earth. That would bring the population density to around 185 people per square mile. (Unfortunately we are not spread out like that, for example right now Monaco has about 32000 people living on 3/4 of a square mile.) Don't worry though, I'm sure we'll develop a war or a disease or something to bring our population down again. As for cancer and aids, they are making tremendous strides in cancer treatments, people are surviving cancers now that 10 years ago would have been almost certain death. As for Aids this year the first known human to be cured of aids (thanks to stem cell research) Timothy Brown 46 years old. If the religious right would stop trying to dictate morals to the world we might be well on our way to a cure for everybody so afflicted. Stem cell research is the most important addition to medical science in decades. It's sad that science is answering to religion. That's the way I feel about it anyway. (I just wish Jesus would quit stalking me.)

    1. It seems to me that science was born out from religion. First there was religion, then science came to be. Could it be that science was created to prove religion was wrong? Has science succeeded in that quest? Was there a Big Bang that created everything we see today? Who or what created the Big Bang? Was there even a Big Bang?
      Is Science proof, knowledge without faith?
      Is Religion faith, knowledge without proof?
      Will we ever know the answer? Maybe only when we die will we know the truth. But then who will we brag about it to?
      This debate will go on for ever, unless some big event happens to prove that everybody was wrong and there is no religion and science is just fake facts that don't mean anything.

  3. I think that religion was born out of the fear and ignorance of early man. He (or she) were trying to explain the world around them, so they made up creatures (gods) to explain what they could not explain. It wasn't until the egyptians and Zoastorians that people began worshipping monothiestically. (Which is why I have trouble believing in a deity) I think that the evidence shows a big bang occurred. But what came before I don't know. And what comes after, I don't know either. For example why is it that Hindus who have near death experiences see Krishna, and Christians who have near death experiences see Christ?

  4. An amazing find in India may have found the ancient city Dwarka, this is the city that may have been the home of the infamous Krishna. The story of this city is pretty interesting to say the least, check it out at...... History Channel's u-tube...... A battle between him and alien UFOs may have taken place.

  5. I know, have you read some translations of the Mahabharata, it's almost enough to make you believe Aliens have visited earth before.
    Dwarka huh? I'll check it out. Thanks.
