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Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Subconscious Mind.

Let's talk about your subconscious mind. You may not know it, but it's way ahead of you. While you are sitting here and consciously reading this your subconscious mind is hard a work. It is regulating your body temperature, helping you keep your balance. Moving your body before you have to think about it. (For example. Do you remember thinking about sitting down at the keyboard. Do you decide when and how to move your arms or legs when getting a glass of milk or a cup of coffee. Your subconscious mind has that all figured out for you, long before you make any effort to move at all. Studies have shown that the subconscious mind may be aware of things long before your conscious mind has any inkling what is going on. Did you ever have a time when you knew something was wrong, just before something catastrophic happened to you. Many people report feeling a sense of  HEY WAIT SOMETHING IS WRONG just before being mugged or getting in an accident. Scientists now believe that the subconscious mind may have been aware of things leading up to those events that the thinking brain was simply unaware of. Have you ever heard of a savant? Although rare there have been enough savants found to prove that some people do indeed have extraordinary abilities that far surpass the norm. In many cases the person with the ability is autistic yet shows a flair for music or math. The case of Blind Tom Wiggins is one example. You can read about him HERE>.  Some Neurologists are beginning to understand the brain functions that cause these incredible savants. (And one scientist believes he can make anyone such a savant.) A person who could tap into their subconscious mind would have faster reflexes, be more creative, and generally be more intelligent. Is autism a stepping stone in the evolution of man? Will our great grandchildren be intuitive creative geniuses? Can we bridge the gap between our conscious and subconscious minds? Imagine the possibilities. Oh for those of you who are interested here is a link to John Davis performing "The Rainstorm" that Blind Tom Wiggens wrote at the age of  five. Just a quick note to give you something to think about. Ciao for now.


  1. Maybe your dreams are what your subconscious mind is thinking about while we sleep. After all, when you sleep your basically unconscious and your subconscious is taking over your body. I've had some weird ones. I'm not used to remembering my dreams much. Does our subconscious mind change the way our conscious mind thinks, like you said, intuition? Knowing something may happen before it happens, but not aware of it at the crucial time. But not many can really tap into that ability, too many distractions. If so, this may explain why some people with autism, and other diseases that blocks our scenes from the brain experiencing them (blind, deaf, mute, paralyzed), have very special talents. They start enhancing other abilities from different parts of the brain. So subconsciously your someone else, like being two people at the same time. This would make that person a bit upset, or maybe have an angry personality. (I knew a group of deaf people in New Mexico and most had angry personalities, and would admit they have. Sign-language is a special talent, and these people were good at it. They would communicate from far distances with binoculars like talking on the phone.) But with treatment or therapy they could slow down that emotional distraction from the hidden talent of an individual with this. Just as in the case with Blind Tom. When the Generals son married Elisa, she gave Tom the therapy he needed to continue with his awesome talent. This is a great story, kind of sad at how he was managed in the end of his life though. To be able to play three songs at the same time, wow. After reading this story I went into that site and heard the song he had written. You can noticed the parts that sounded like anger or frustration. So it seems like he had some anger issues, even at an early age. To be able to remember a whole conversation, then repeat it is outstanding. But then he had trouble just talking himself to other people, huh. There are probably many other cases like his out there that are not know enough. And many of these cases over the years they have been drugged and lost out on there abilities. Seems like psychologist keep coming up with all kinds of disorders, slapping a name on it then prescribe therapy and drugs. America is full of them and the list grows daily. I don't think people from the past had to go through what we as civilizations have to go through now, and in way to big of numbers. We are living in a toxic world thinking we're OK, when actually we are slowly being poisoned. This will make evolution a little different than all the experts think. Back then they didn't have all kinds of shit going into the atmosphere. They lived in a more “Healthier” world than we do now. “OOOOH, but we have pills to take care of that, so don't worry about it!!!!.....” Right now soooo many different animal die off are taking place around the World, and no one really knows why. They may come up with something as the cause but most sound like shit. Life can only survive in a toxic soup for so long. So the way things stand now we will probably have a hard time evolving in any way if we don't stop what we are doing to this planet. I kind of got off topic, but thinking about what will our future be like from a snap shot of today, I think we're fucked!!!

  2. I think we humans are capable of great things. I guess I am an optimist as I think we will fix those problems. (And make new ones on the way.) Unfortunately most people don't think about a problem until it effects them personally. (Which will probably be soon.) I hope it happens in time for change. Anyway. Ciao for now.

    1. There is one thing that we need to fix on this planet that I found out about, and that would be the huge massive debris pile floating out in the Pacific (filled with tons of plastic) and not to mention all the Japan nasty radioactive crap that is out there also, and is starting to show up on our West Coast shores. Not only are we humans putting crap into the atmosphere, we are destroying the oceans, the fresh water in rivers and lakes as well. Dumping or barring all kinds of our nuclear waste in the ground and at the bottom of our oceans. Literally dumping crap onto waters all over the world. We can treat that crap but there's way too many people (Corporations)around the World (undeveloped countries that are too over populated) that are just dumping. I used to be optimistic about the world and it's health until I started learning the truth in College. But is that really the truth? I don't know, I jsut absorb what is learned and try to think critically about it. In my Psychology class, first chapter, they taught us how to critical think. There definiton is basically "trust no one and question everything." And I've been doing just that. I think we will all be effected personally real soon, we are already living with Chernobil inside our bodies, and now we can add Fuckishema. I doubt if we can take any other nuclear disasters, but with our track record and the way we are turning to Nuclear power you can count on it happening again. We as humans need a wake up call if our future generations are to have any normal kind of life like we know it today. I don't like being a pessimist, but at least if shit does go that way I won't be suprized........

    2. I agree, the massive pile of junk is bad news. (Recently scientists sifted bottom ocean material and found that about 10 percent of the stuff they got was beads of human manufactured plastics. And other waste materials. SCARY)

  3. The major outcome of Fukushima and Chernobyl, (and let's not forget three mile island) Will be increased incidence of cancer. Although radiation levels at Fukushima reactor 2 are lethal within minutes, people outside the evacuation zone are still quite safe. (Relatively speaking, and barring another major quake, which is a distinct possibility.) As for the radiation from Chernobyl inside our bodies, sorry, you get more radiation from the bedrock in your basement. Or your glow in the dark watch. Or that big screen tv you have in your house. All well within safe levels, (except maybe the bedrock, it could lead to cancer after about 50 or 60 years of exposure.) Older coal-fired power plants without effective fly ash capture are one of the largest sources of human-caused background radiation exposure. And one of the reasons the United States has the highest background radiation of almost any nation. The highest natural levels of background radiation are in Ramsar in Iran. (Mostly due to Radium 266 naturally occurring in hot springs in the area.)Surprisingly the people of this area have a low incidence of Cancer and longer than average lifespans. Interesting isn't it?
    Although I agree radiation accidents such as Fukushima are frightening, But they aren't the world ending things you read about in the press. We could easily handle a couple of hundred more Fukushima's and most of the world would neither take notice, nor be affected all that much. (I remember when I was growing up, the "duck and cover" movies we saw in school. I spent a lot of my youth worried about the Russians bombing us. It was sad really.) Anyway, I think nuclear power will probably be a thing of the past, we are on the edge of a revolution in energy. I kind of hope I live to see some of it come to fruition. (I can't believe I typed "I kind of hope" that's just silly. I HOPE to live to see it to fruition.) Take it easy. Start worrying when you turn out the lights and can still read by the glow from your body. Ciao for now.

    1. In Pennsylvania, the department of health was handing out potassium iodide tablets at several locations on August 9, for all those surrounding Nuclear plants within the state. Potassium iodide, they say, can help protect thyroid tissue from cancer in the event of a radioactive release. So every one who lives, works, or goes to school within a ten-mile radius of one of the state's five nuclear plants all had to obtain four potassium iodide pills per adult in their household. There are smaller doses for children, based on their age. They say that anyone can take potassium iodide as long as they are not allergic to it. So I'm sure that they had to find out first if they are allergic. They are calling it an emergency measure and would only be taken if people are told to by the governor or the D.H. And yesterday the Millstone nuke plant in Connecticut halted a reactor because the water was too hot to cool it. They said that with the hot month July it made the water too warm to cool. This shows just how vulnerable we are with the amount of nuke plants that are across this country. And with global warming getting worse this probably will happen more often. Or, they could always try to cool the water to cool the reactors. I'll bet that would coast a pretty penny, and make nuclear power more expensive to produce. Your right, it will be a thing of the past, but in the future. We have to get rid of the nuke addiction or it will be our children and their children who are going to pay for our mistake. If they are preparing for something to happen in Pennsylvania, something just may happen......... But it's OK, take these pills and you'll be fine!!!..... At least those people won't need to turn on the lights to read at night, and they'll save energy. Lol..... :-)

    2. Interesting, I think this is just being done as a result of the Fukushima thing scaring people. Of course these folks are not supposed to take the pills unless directed by the CDC or the nuclear energy commission. It's actually a good idea to have them on hand. If a leak occurs the radioactive iodine will be released, unfortunately the human body can't tell the difference between radioactive iodine and the regular stuff, so it would absorb the radioactive stuff which would build up in the thyroid gland, if you take the potassium idodide it "fills" up the thyroid so the radioactive stuff can't be absorbed. Of course if some idiots take the pills daily like a vitamin thinking that will help, they will die. I hope they are making that clear in Pennsylvania. Still, it would not be a bad idea to have some Potassium Iodide on hand if you live near a nuclear plant. (We don't up here in the U.P. YAY!)

  4. We need to fix Global Warming now before it is too late to say "we told you so Deniers"!!! Also before all the Polar Bears drown and cow farts become so noxious that uttering the phrase "pull my finger" will get you sent to Gitmo!!

    1. We need to manufacture butt plugs for cows. If we simply put plugs in all the cows asses the problem will be solved. Or better yet, mount cows on top of cars and use their farts to create the energy needed to drive them. Why no one has thought of these simple solutions is beyond me.
