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Tuesday, September 18, 2012
For the last time...
Again we have been hearing and reading some really crazy stuff about the Mayans, and Dec 21st, 2012. So we are going to try and set this straight one more time. First let's set down what people are saying about the Mayan Calendar ending on the 21st of December and it's meaning for the apocalypse. It seems somebody somewhere has discovered that the Sun will be standing precisely on the equinox between the Earth and the Center of the Galaxy. At least that appears to be what some of the crazies (not to be confused with we here at The Crazy) are saying. So is it true? Well, sort of. Dec 21st is the Winter Solstice. The exact half way point between Autumn and Spring. It happens every year. It is the shortest day and the longest night of the year. Is the sun also lining up with the center of the galaxy? Well... No.. not at all. As a matter of fact the Earth, (and our solar system) are currently above the plane of the galaxy (note the italics). We are five count em.. five light years above the plane of the galaxy. If you believe in astrology yes the sun will be centered in the galaxy as seen from earth. Last year for example the sun was .01 degree difference from where it will be this Dec 21st. Read that as "point zero one percent" difference. Will there be a huge difference in gravity when we have moved that .01 percent. Well.. again.. No.. As a matter of fact, if you are drinking a cup of coffee (or tea, or a beer, etc.) Then the gravity from that cup is having more effect on you than a .01 degree difference of the sun will have. Ok, so how about the Mayan calendar ending as being significant? Well, it would be if the Mayans intended the calendar to simply end. But there are hundreds of dates carved into the stone of the Mayan temples and pyramids deep in the jungles of South America. And many of them are far beyond the date listed by the calendar in question. (One of them actually dated out to the 4700's by our calendar.) Of course if you aren't sure about the source on this you could always ask a Mayan. What's that you say? The Mayans are extinct? Really? Maybe somebody should tell them that. There are many villages of Mayans still extent throughout the jungles. Many still speak the ancient languages. Sure the great civilization that built the cities and pyramids of Chichen Itza, Palenque, Tikal and Uxma no longer exist. But the people are still there. And they will tell you that the Mayan Prophecy of the end of times for Dec 21st, 2012 is a complete load of crock. Invented by some gringo up north to make a buck. (And many bucks have been made.) If all of this doesn't convince you that the current prediction of end times is a load of horse hockey, then my friends you are beyond help. That's about it. Ciao for now.
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In the movie 2012, didn't New York City and surrounding areas get flooded?? Just like Sandy did?? OOOHHH EEERRRIIIEEE!! Its coming true!! Repent for the end is near!!