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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Did you see what you think you saw?

What kind of person are you? Are you generally good? Or do you tend toward evil? (If such things as good and evil exist that is.) How observant are you? Do you remember every person you talked to yesterday? Could you describe them to someone? Recently a university study took place that showed exactly how unobservant we are. An actor would engage in conversation on the street with the "average" person. At some point during the conversation two men would walk between the actor and the "average" person carrying a door.. When the door was between the two the actor would be replaced with another actor, taller and dressed similarly but not the same as the first. Surprisingly 50% of the participants in the experiment failed to notice the change. (We know. We found that number alarming as well.) So.. What is happening here? Are we all that unaware of the world around us. Is observation subjective? We suggest to you that perhaps we go about our day while in a self induced state of numbness. If we really payed attention to the world around us would we see something different than we expected. Over the next few days we at the crazy plan on doing an experiment of our own. We will focus more intently on the world around us and see if we notice things that heretofore escaped our attention. We will let you know what happens. Just a short blog entry to start up the blog again. We also would like to point out that we will be trying very hard not to post blog entries of a political nature. Politics are a miserable business these days. And we are getting enough of that pretty much everywhere. Ciao for now.


  1. I will have a more thorough response to this great post soon (next day or so), but a quick reaction would be to consider the affect of societal norms in your noted study. Even though the actors switched during the door maneuver and the person senses likely detected it and was telling their brain that something was off kilter, I suspect that it was the 'not being rude to strangers in public' that prevented the subject from asking the new person who the hell they were and what happened to the other person. A lot of our responses and interactions in public have been learned or indoctrinated into our conscious and/or subconscious since we were little wee persons. Just one theory. Stay tuned for more.

  2. Could be, although I certainly would have said "Hey!, what the hell, where's the guy I was just talking to."
