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Thursday, June 14, 2012

George Washington died here!

It's been a week since we posted here. And to be honest we are having a tough time finding anything interesting (or at least different) to post about. We have been reading a lot of news on the right wing rag The Blaze (we won't put a link to yellow journalism sites like that one) but gotta say it disappoints us daily with extreme views and downright lies about our current President. Of course like all news stories there will be some truth thrown in to just to confuse us. It amazes us how vitriolic politicians are getting these days. Although to be honest there have always been lies rumors and mud slinging in politics, And President Washington was happy to leave office, as his statement to John Adams clearly points out. "Ay, I am fairly out and you fairly in! See, which of us will be happiest!"  It would have been interesting to see what Washington would have had to say about those who took office after him, but within three years he was dead of what historians called a throat infection. (Although he might have lived longer if three separate doctors were not called in, each of them doing a bloodletting, with estimates that about three pints were taken.) George Washington knew he was dying, telling his Doctors and aides "I feel myself going, I thank you for your attention but I pray you take no more trouble about me, let me go off quietly, I cannot last long." His last words were "Tis Well." And he attempted to take his own pulse by moving his hand to his wrist. It slid off and he was dead.  We find it interesting that George Washington who some believe was a devoutly religious man had very little to say about such things during his final hours.  You can read more about it at if you are interested. That's about it for today, hope you all have a good weekend, ciao for now.

1 comment:

  1. Of course he wasn't religious - he was a Mason. Him and his Cabal only cared about their own wealth and power over the common folk, who stupidly fought and died for them with nothing in return. I find it ironic that most people find the Mason's, although a secret society organization, are just fine as long they admit some token blacks or other minorities - otherwise these same people would demand the Masons be broken by the authorities. Sort of like how they demand the private Augusta National Golf Club admit Woman - then it would be okay to be elitist!!
