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Monday, June 18, 2012

People actually read this!?!

Someone anonymously responded to one of our blogs with the information that the solar system is heating up. And therefore global warming is not man made. We can't answer here as to global warming being man made. (We think the jury is still out on that one.) But we can clearly point out that there is no empirical evidence the solar system is heating up. First of all NASA data clearly shows the sun to be in a cooling trend in the last three decades. As for the other planets, let's take them one at a time shall we? We'll ignore Mercury as it's simply too hot and too close to the sun to get accurate temperature readings. We'll skip over Earth as we all know the arguments on that one pretty clearly. So next is Venus which is currently under a run away greenhouse effect, so it would be simply impossible to prove or disprove any outside influence is having an effect on that planet, so, on to Mars. The Warming deniers are telling us Mars is heating up. They base this on the fact that temperature readings were taken in 1977 and again in 1999. Two readings on a planet that has little atmosphere, dust storms that sometimes engulf the entire planet (raising the temperature at times by 30 degrees centigrade.) and an atmosphere of 95% carbon dioxide. So what the Global Warming Deniers have done is base the belief that Mars is warming on two days of weather, and not decades of weather data. Sorry not good enough. Ok on to Jupiter there is no evidence of Jupiter warming. None. Zero. As a matter of fact we haven't observed Jupiters temperature long enough to be sure of  anything other than the fact that the storms on Jupiter raise the temperature at the equator and cool the temperature at the poles. Ok on to Saturn which takes 29.7 Earth years to orbit the sun. Which means that we have been observing Saturn for two (count em 2) seasons.  How can we possibly discern long term temperature patterns based on two summers. Sorry, not good enough. And that same argument could hold true for Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Ok Uranus has a year of 84 Earth years, Neptune 164 Earth years. How in the hell can we possibly get warming trends on a planet that's been in one season for as long as we have been aware of it's existence. Maybe this will make the deniers feel better. Pluto is warming. That's right, a planet that gets about 900 times less sunlight than Earth has shown in the last year or so a slight temperature increase. Of course since we have only observed Pluto for the equivalent of about three weeks out of a season on Earth we might be a little presumptuous to assume the sun is causing it. Especially since the sun is in a cooling trend. Anyway that's about it, Ciao for now.


  1. Well then crazies, sounds like you have all the right answers about our solar system and the planets within, good job. I have just gone through two semesters of Geography, and in my Physical Geography class I learned all about the Earth's bio-systems and atmospheric conditions and how all systems interact with each other to make it possible for us humans to live on this planet. I've learned just how much CO2 we put into our atmosphere and how much the Earth itself puts, and the numbers are shocking to say the least. Yes, we do add to these numbers but not as much as you would think compared to what is naturally entering our atmosphere over Earths history. Like just 4,000 years ago whole civilizations were wiped out do to climate change, this was just in the news recently. Just the volcanoes alone put more CO2 into the atmosphere than we do. Some people will say that there isn't enough of them erupting to do that. Well they don't take into consideration that 75% of the volcanoes that are erupting right now are under the Oceans, and are escalating at an alarming rate. The Oceans are heating up do to the accelerating Volcanic activity, producing a slight rise in plate tectonic movements, which charts clearly shows the increase. Just all of life produces CO2, plants, animals, trees and yes, us humans as well as we all breathe. Another big culprit that produces massive amounts of CO2 that people don't realize is the Earth's permafrost. Mega amounts of ancient CO2 are stored in these regions. Over the past two decades these permafrost regions have been migrating North, melting at a rate that was never thought of, causing many property damage as a result. The land shifts and up heaves throwing building foundations off their mark, roads become a roller coaster and many are unrepairable without massive amounts of money, resulting in many insurance claims yet to be settled.
    The empirical evidence IS out there for all to see, but to only to those who look. When you mention NASA, (Never A Straight Answer), there is no more NASA. On July 8, 2011, NASA launched its last Space Shuttle into low earth orbit. Since NASA no longer has the budget to continually send a shuttle up to the International Space Station, it has had to stop its shuttle program, which began in 1972 with President Richard Nixon. The problem is that NASA could easily have the budget if congress would have allocated more money. The entire NASA budget, from 1958 to 2010, cost $471 billion, a drop in the bucket compared to the $748 billion used by TARP in the bank bailout (which did no good for our economy or job growth!!). But the old NASA's new findings from their Mars Odyssey orbiter suggest Mars may be going through a period of climate change. Odyssey has been mapping materials on and near Mars' surface since early 2002. Besides tracking seasonal changes, such as the advance and retreat of polar dry ice, the orbiter is returning evidence about longer-term dynamics and found the “Martian Ice Shrinking dramatically,” new gullies that did not exist in mid-2002 have appeared on a Martian sand dune. That's just one of the surprising discoveries that have resulted from the extended Mars Surveyor, which this month began its ninth year in orbit around Mars. Boulders tumbling down a Martian slope left tracks that weren't there two years ago. New impact craters formed since the 1970s suggest changes to age-estimating models. And for three Mars summers in a row, deposits of frozen carbon dioxide near Mars' south pole have shrunk from the previous year's size, suggesting a climate change in progress.

  2. Just because NASA no longer launches space shuttles is no reason to say there is no more NASA. All you have to do is look at the FY2013 mission summaries and you will find they have MORE missions scheduled then they have in the past. As for NASA (Never a Straight Answer) sorry, bullshit. NASA puts all mission details out for everyone to see, and has since Apollo 12. (Apollo 11 had some secrecy for obvious reasons.) I agree that Mars ice caps are melting, for three martian summers running, (remember martian years are twice as long as ours) So maybe it will point to Mars warming, but again, not enough evidence to show it's global warming, and if it is, there is certainly NO evidence tying it to the sun. (Which is what global warming deniers are trying to say.) By the way if you read an article saying the sun is increasing in intensity or throwing out more heat which is causing global warming it is simply bullshit. The sun has been in a pretty much steady cooling cycle since the 80's. So maybe, Mars is warming, but the statements I made about the other planets hold true. We simply don't have enough long term data on those planets to make any guess as to warming, cooling, etc. I agree the NASA cuts are sad. President Obama in the last three years has sent budget increases for NASA to congress, but each year congress has cut it back. This year he has asked for 17 billion dollars. I wonder how much congress will cut that back. If you read the post you can see that I don't think we have enough evidence to show humans are causing global warming, but I would think we would have to be idiots to think we aren't having a long term effect on planet dynamics. I think the more we attempt to find other sources of energy besides fossil fuel, the better off we will be. Because fossil fuels won't last forever. When it comes to permafrost, I'm more worried about a giant methane bubble than I am about CO2. All this being said, you haven't changed my mind yet. Keep up the effort though. I am an optimist, I believe that mankind will leave this planet someday. (And I don't mean through extinction.) Ciao for now.

    1. Pluto is undergoing slight global warming, not by increase in temperature but the fact that it isn't getting colder, as evidenced by a three-fold increase in the planet's atmospheric pressure during the past 14 years, a team of astronomers have determined that it's heating up a very small amount. They made this finding by watching the dimming of a star when Pluto passed in front of it Aug. 20. The team carried out observations using eight telescopes. Their data was successfully recorded at all sites. A 300% increase in atmospheric pressure in Pluto, which is the highest increase in any planet in the Solar system, and it is increasing as Pluto orbits away from the Sun. It looks as though the atmosphere has not changed from 2002, which is pretty surprising because they expected the atmosphere would freeze out as the planet moved further away from the Sun. But so far, if anything, the atmosphere has gotten even denser. If the Sun is the cause for global warming in the solar system, as some scientists say, why is it that Pluto, the planet that is the farthest away from the Sun is experiencing the most severe effects, and it is getting worse and worse as it orbits away from the sun? These results are surprising because they show Pluto is warming up a bit.
      Now I'm no scientist and I do not claim to have the right answers, but I do have a theory about what is happening. ( AND I'M NO GLOBAL WARMING DENIER, AND MR. ANONYMOUS DID NOT SAY HE WAS EITHER. Assuming something, is not denying) We must look at the Mayan calendar without all the doom and gloom that so many people think will happen. Their calendar just ends one cycle and enters another, it does not suggest that the world will end, just the cycle. This cycle is that the solar system is entering our Galactic plane from the south and will emerge after going through to the North of the plane. As we are entering this plane we are going through the more denser gas and dust cloud that makes up the spiral arms of the galaxy. We all know that with friction you get heat, well the same could be said about the dust clouds which have more particles and will produce more friction as we pass through them.

      Again, I do not say that I'm right about everything I say, but I just seem to question everything and I do my own research and interpret it the way I see it.

  3. Interesting Idea, but there is one problem with it. The Earth is several light years north of the galactic plane. And is moving further northward at about 5 miles a second. We have been north of the galactic plane for over 100,000 years. I'm not sure where you got the information about the galactic plane thing. But you might want to check their sources. Try NASA. They really do know what they are doing.

  4. After doing a little research I figured out where the error is. Astrologically we appear to cross the galactic plane twice a year. But Astronomically we are as I said in my last reply. I emailed you about it. It's an easy mistake to make. It's also why a lot of people get confused about it.
