Ever had one of THOSE nights. I had a very busy day yesterday and were what some might call bone tired. So at 10:30 or so I decided bedtime was in order, sleep came easily but not so rest. 2:30 and the sandman sneezed, and I lay wide awake and wondering what the heck do we do now. A little milk, get online try to find something a little boring to put myself back into sleep state. And what do I come across but a news story from Pascagoula Mississippi. In 1942 Pascagoula had expanded to about 15,000 population due to manufacturing, specifically warships. In early June of that year a strange terror struck the town. They called him The Phantom Barber. He first struck at The Convent of Our Lady of Victories entering in the middle of the night and cutting the hair of Evelyn Marie Briggs and Edna Marie Hydel, this on a friday night. On the following monday he entered the home of Carol Peatie and cut what the papers called her blonde locks, the babysitter (who was watching the house while Carol's mother was in the hospital)was stirred by a noise and entered to find a just awakening Carol sitting in bed asking "Why, Why, Where's my hair?" The sitter found a mans bare footprint on the empty bed by the window. The Barber Struck a total of ten times, he would enter on a monday or friday night,
cutting a screen in almost all cases to gain entry. He would cut some hair and depart. One victim described waking to a faint feeling of something passing over her face and then waking up later violently ill. Police guessed chloroform. One attack that seemed unrelated was that of the Heidlebergs who were attacked in the night with what they believed was a solid iron bar. Mrs Heidlberg lost two teeth and Mister Heidleberg was knocked unconscious. Neither saw the attacker.
Two months later an arrest was made in the Heidlberg attack. William Dolan a 57 year old german chemist. He had a grudge against the Heidlbergs father who was a magistrate and had refused to lower the bail in a case against Dolan for tresspassing. The general agreement was that the Heidlberg attack was out of character for the Barber but the Police Chief was convinced he did it. As to motive, the chief believed it was to impair the morale of war workers. Other rumours of motive, He was using the hair to make bomb sites for the axis, or he was placing a Hex on someone. Personally I think Dolan was a victim of wartime hysteria, neighbors signed statments mentioning his german sympathies. He was sentenced to 10 years for the attack on the Heidlbergs, he went to prison denying his involvement,
and six years later was given a limited suspension by Mississippi Governor Fielding Wright who then had a lie detector test administered which he passed. Three years after that he was freed. The only description of the Barber was by young Mary Evelyn Briggs "He was sort of short, sort of fat, and wearing a white sweatshirt." So who was this crazed hair fetishist wandering the midnight streets of Pascagoula. We will never know. On another note, Pascagoula is also the town where in 1972 two fisherman Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker claimed they were abducted by aliens who they described as having no legs or having their legs fused together, they floated above the ground, they had no eyes or mouth. Where their nose and ears would have been were "carrot-like" growths instead. The local Sheriff left the two men alone in a room recording them without their knowledge and they continued to speak to each other in frightened confusion. Which convinced him that they at least believed thier story. Some advice then, If you ever go the Pascagoula Mississippi, don't drink the water. I think I'm going to try to get some sleep now.