If you are about to read this blog entry, Beware!, we are about to discuss Physics, and it won't make much sense. The actual name of the theory we are going to discuss is 'QUANTUMN ENTANGLEMENT AND NONLOCALITY', which could mean anything and sounds a little dirty. The actual theory behind this has been proven scientifically by a number of men in white lab coats with pocket protectors and bald spot comb overs (the bald spot comb overs are a requirement when entering the field of physics.) The theory states, and we are quoting here "In quantum theory, certain physical systems can become "entangled," meaning that their states are directly related to the state of another object somewhere else. When one object is measured, and the Schroedinger wavefunction collapses into a single state, the other object collapses into its corresponding state ... no matter how far away the objects are (i.e. nonlocality)." Think intergalactic instantaneous phone calls, which could actually be a possible outcome of the use of this theory. But we think our old friend Einstein (see picture) said it better. He called it "Spooky action at a distance." and that's why we think he was a genius.
what i wonder is when they say corresponding do they mean inverted? I.e. one cat dies and so the other one lives? Or do they mean they both live or both die?