It seems the sandman has fully abandoned our house. Sleep is rare in coming and fleeting at best.
Spent some of the night reading translations of the Sanskrit tablets from India, One was particularly interesting. In a section of the Bhagavata Purana which dates to about 5000 BC. (And again mentions events taking place thousands of years before.) They mention flying chariots made of metal that shoot light beams which destroy any object they are pointed at. The airships were called Vimanas. They would fight air wars, and destroy entire cities. The Vimanas were piloted by the kings and princes of India which according to the Sanskrit tablets took place long before recorded history. What are we to think of this? Did the people of earth have technology lost in time? Were they simply science fiction stories, sort of a pre bronze age Buck Rogers, or Flash Gordon? Was it Aliens? (Had to throw that last one in... we can certainly see how Eric Von Daniken made his claims if he based them on these writings.) The human imagination knows no bounds, but it is interesting is it not? Food for thought, ciao for now.
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