As much as we at the crazy enjoy a good conspiracy theory, and unusual and unsolved mysteries, we have to say we are fed up with this crazy 2012 stuff. We have all heard some nutcase spout the extremely insane falderall about the Mayan Calendar ending in 2012. So ok, let's settle this once and for all. In the Temple of Inscriptions in Palenque, there is a Mayan carving dated to Oct 21, 4772. Now if the Mayans believed that the world was going to end in 2012 why would they have carved that date into that rock. I'll tell you why, because the Mayan calendar doesn't end in 2012, that date was considered a change in cycle for the Mayans, one they would have celebrated had they been smart enough, or strong enough, or simply lucky enough to have survived to this time.
But the all wise all seeing Mayan civilization has been wiped from the face of the earth. So we here at the Crazy are preparing for the great cycle changing celebration of 2012. (The Mayans would have wanted it that way.) So break out your Naranjo's and prepare for celebration. (Oh by the way the Naranjo was a penis perforator used to cause the penis to bleed for the gods. Those Mayans were a wild and crazy bunch.) So stop the crazy 2012 stuff, please or we will come after you with our Naranjo's. And don't even get us started on that Niburu crap. Just had to get this out of our system, ciao for now.
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