Recently Apple computers pulled all of it's advertising from the Fox network. They did this because they felt that Glenn Beck is going too far in his anti Obama rhetoric. And while Glenn Beck keeps saying that we are losing our freedoms, and becoming a communist, socialist, Marxist nation. (He better pick one soon though as they are pretty much mutually exclusive.) We just wanted to point out that Apple computer's business decision is in no way censorship. Glenn Beck can still spout his insane inanity from any pulpit that is willing to let him. This is after all a free country.
Glenn Beck is free to say as he pleases. Apple computer is free to advertise with whomever they wish. I am free to call Glenn Beck a psychotic rambling nitwit with a god complex. Our readers are free to call us empty headed left leaning liberal morons who wear our asses for hats. (We would tend to disagree with that assessment however.)
The constitution gives us that right, we would hope that we would all use that right for a higher purpose. But alas, America is full of Glenn Becks, and Rush Limbaughs, and Keith Olbermanns. (Although some of us here at the Crazy like Keith Olbermann.)
But next time someone spouts cow doody about our freedoms being taken away. Could you please ask them which specific ones and get back to us. Seriously. We would certainly hate to lose a freedom without knowing what it was. Oh by the way, the preceding statements were a political opinion held by some of us here at the crazy. O.. P.. I.. N.. I.. O.. N.. it would certainly be nice if Fox news would label the majority of their programming as such. Maybe a few people would understand their agenda. Ciao for now.
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