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Thursday, May 6, 2010

And another week nears an end...

Thursday morning at the crazy is usually about putting out the trash, we've mentioned it in an earlier blog entry. For some reason the first thing that pops up in the brain when the Thursday morning alarm rings is TRASH. The city recommends we have our trash out by 7:30 am on Thursday, but that is not only unlikely but downright unreasonable. Coffee first, peanut butter sandwich, then we peruse the morning news. Possibly look at the Fortean Times website. And then finally, when we can't put it off any longer. Trash. Garbage. Refuse. Rubbish. Litter. Junk. There are certainly a lot of names for it. It's amazing to us how much trash a household of three people can put out in a week. (Of course this week also involved a lot of work in the yard, the shed, and the garage. Oh and by the way, did you know the city won't take bags of grass or yard detritus, whats up with that? Oh hey another trash word detritus, that's a good one. How about Discard, Waste, Debris, and Scrap. What's interesting to us is how you could keep something for years let's say a lamp perhaps and call it a lamp. And then one day suddenly it's not a lamp anymore, it's drek.
(Ok, we cheated a little on that last one "drek" is a yiddish word for trash.) Well we got that off our chests, and sometime in between the beginning of this post and the end we managed to get the trash out, so the first Thursday chore of the day is done, now it's time for a little laundry. Don't get us started on that! Ciao for now.

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