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Friday, July 20, 2012

You are safe... No really..

An obviously insane young man went into a movie theater showing the premiere of  the most recent Batman movie last night and opened fire with some sort of gas grenades (smoke bombs perhaps as no one complained of breathing problems) a hand gun and a possible semi-automatic weapon. He was caught hiding in the parking lot and surrendered without a fight. CNN news had pretty straight coverage of the story and the comments section had many appropriate condolence statements. When we read the same news stories on The Blaze website the coverage was similar, although they still did not have the name of the suspect where CNN had already released it. The comment section of The Blaze however was a shocking display of hate speech and blame placing. The paranoids were out in full force with many comments about how the killer must be Muslim, how Obama will use this as a way to take away our guns, and one comment actually stated that the killings were planned by the liberals as a first step in taking away our guns. Meanwhile 12 people are dead in Colorado. And a 24 year old man (an obviously deranged person) will either be put to death or spend the rest of his life in prison. What motivation this person had is really unimportant. His politics are also equally unimportant. Killing people peacefully attending a family film (PG 13 Rating) is most definitely not the act of a sane person. So whatever his motivations may be are also tainted with insanity. Sadly extremists from both sides of the aisle will try to use this as a sounding board to place blame. But the blame rests solely in the heart and hands of  a troubled young man from Colorado. We hope that the families of those killed will be able to mourn in peace (although we doubt it.) those of you who pray, please do so. For the rest of us, if you plan on attending that movie tonight, be assured that most communities will place a squad car and an officer at each showing in the event some other deranged person becomes agitated enough by the event to act on their own crazed impulses. Also remember that although this event has brought international focus. What actually happened was that in an entire world of people attending this movie (It broke attendance and profit records.) One single person, one troubled deranged young man, committed a horrible act of violence. Sad, and terrible, yes. But remember that millions of other people attended and did no harm. And millions more will probably attend tonight throughout the world. And do no harm. Of course no one can guarantee your safety. But we at The Crazy think the odds are pretty much in your favor. Ciao for now.


  1. One thing I have a problem with about this incident is how he seems to be just soooo calm and not worrying about whats to come of him. He has issues for sure, but motive is not yet clear. He had to have planned this event, maybe weeks before, and when there is planning there is motive. To kill like that and then just walk to his car and wait to be arrested, he new he would not be killed. When some people do something like this they have a death sentence on their mind, either they kill themselves or have the police do it for them by shooting at them, not in this case. It should be interesting to see how this plays out for him, and this country. Will they give him the death sentence? Will he sit in jail and let the tax payers pay for his food and lodging for the rest of his life? Will he be pronounced insane and spend the rest of his life in an institution, and then be reformed? We'll have to keep an eye on what happens, should be interesting to see where it goes from here. Meanwhile, family and friends will mourn, and when that's over they'll want justice and answers, will they get it? Who knows with the way our justice system works, he may just get life when he should get death. He does not have a soul, to kill like that with no remorse one has to be empty of any emotion, VOID of any feelings and just down right EVIL!

    1. There is something that I just found out about the shooting. On july 17 there was a warning put out by the FBI about a possible terror attack in theaters or any other crowded events this summer. It wasn't put out to the normal news channels, I smell something wrong about this incident, just saying!

  2. The warning from the FBI was put out through the normal channels (government websites and the homeland security website) because terrorists were attacking theaters overseas. Perfectly normal. As for the nutcase at the Batman movie, in many cases these killers are described as showing no emotion, acting almost casually. I personally think it's part of the way they disassociate themselves from the horror they are inflicting. MRI scans of killers shows they lack empathy. When normal people respond to certain images the parts of the brain that deal with emotion have been seen to be active, in killers and psychopaths it's not so. I've read some interesting studies on it. Fascinating stuff really. In this guys case, he seems to have had a normal upbringing, yet his mother said right away "You've got the right guy." making me wonder what's been going on at home. As for if he gets the death penalty, it's possible. This was clearly premeditated, although telling the cops he was the joker (as some news stories say) could go a long way to getting him locked up in an institution for life. They certainly will never let him go again, of that I am sure. The only reason for keeping him alive is to learn what happened to him to make him a crazed killer. We'll see.

    1. One would think that if your an honor student, in Neuroscience, you would be "smart" enough to know better. Or maybe that in itself drove him to loose his mind. Learning about the brain , I guess, sometimes effects the mind and the way you look at life. Sad story for sure!.....Have to keep an eye on how this case ends.....

  3. Actually the opposite seems to be true. It appears as if people who think they might have some sort of mental problem study the mind, usually psychology. Many of these killers have studied that sort of thing. Others were aware they had a problem, Charles Whitman (the Texas tower shooter) for example left a letter saying he would like his brain autopsied to find out why he killed. (They found a tumor which may have had an effect on his behavior.)
