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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Ok, it's time to straighten out a few things. Someone recently mentioned to us that Evolution is not yet proven, and the statement they used was "why do the call it the theory of evolution?" We hear that a lot, and we at The Crazy think it's time to set things straight. For example the word "theory" being used to describe something. We wonder... when someone studies music theory at a university, does the word theory mean that music isn't proven yet? Are musicians someday going to find the perfect chord that proves the muse exists? Any school boy can tell you the evolution is proven. And there are many recent examples of evolutionary changes taking place. For example in the early nineteenth century in Britain , the industrial age began, smoke and soot began to cover everything in sight. There were white moths that thrived in that area (peppered moths) that began to suffer as they were devoured by birds and bats and other insects. Why? Because they stood out against the soot covered trees and foliage and streets. After a short span of time the white moth began to disappear, being replaced by black ones. Scientists were not surprised to find that the black moths were in fact the same peppered moth, nature had just selected the darker ones for survival as they could more easily blend into the background. Since the industrial age has ended in Britain, and the skies and trees and rooftops have become clean again, can you guess what has happened? That's right, the white moth has begun to thrive once again. This is evolution and natural selection at it's most basic form. Ask yourself a few questions and you will see evolution is changing everything around you. For example did you know that peoples fingers are longer than they used to be? It's true. As we have evolved our hands have become more dextrous,  we have manufactured many items and designed them for ease of use. And we have been using many of them (handtools for example) for thousands of years. The typewriter on the other hand has only been around since about 1860 (the first patent of a practical typewriter) what will happen to our hands after a thousand years of using keypads and keyboards. Or will we invent something (as Dr Kurtzwieller has done) to free our hands and simply use our voices to enter key commands. Will evolution speed up as we use computers to enhance our abilities? One of the things we at The Crazy worry about are the ramifications of instant access to knowledge. We rely on the internet more and more for our information. Bookstores are closing across the country. What happens if the Ipods and Computers (and by that process the internet itself) go dead?  What if a massive EMP were to wipe out all electronics on earth. Would we still maintain civilization as we know it? What changes would have to take place? Something to ponder as you go about your day. Stop and think once in a while, if you were trying to do the same task you are now, but it was a thousand years ago, could it be done. Typing this blog for example. If we were trying to mass produce this information a thousand years ago, we would have to rewrite it again, and again, and again. Or hire scribes to do so. It wasn't until the fifteenth century that typesetting was invented. Although some civilizations did learn to carve woodblocks to use as a primitive type setter. It's strange to think that the information we have put on this page could potentially reach millions of people. When Martin Luther produced his 95 Thesis in 1518 he was capable of reproducing thousands of copies, potentially reaching clearly less people, and look what he accomplished. (Contrary to what you may have read, Martin Luther probably didn't post on the church door.) We are not comparing ourselves to Martin Luther. Just making a point.  That's about it, something for you to think about, ciao for now.


  1. The theory of evolution is a touchy subject. Some believe that you need to separate human and animal evolution on the pretexts that only us humans can even consider it, animals have no reasoning so are in a different category. The bible suggests that God created every animal and creeping thing on the face of the planet, but obviously there are way many more different species that have evolved in those six thousand years. He also created two humans, and now we have all different kinds of humans, all with their own different cultures that have evolved over the many centuries. And the most popular theory out there is that we evolved from the most miniscule molecules, but over millions of years. So I guess one would think that these are all just theories. All theories are not proven, because if they were they would no longer be a theory, they would be a fact. People have been arguing about this ever since Darwin suggested the THEORY. Most do not know of his book that he wrote with a chapter called “Difficulties in Theory.” He hoped that in the future new advances in science would prove him right, but in fact it has proven him to be wrong. A theory is an assumption, but a theory with a hypotheses suggest that the out come of a certain theory can be changed, through unnatural processes, then proven. Like changing the environment in a certain way for an outcome that you desire. The moths you talked about is a good example of how this could be done. The theory of our evolution has a few tricky subjects to get around, though. For instance, if you are to believe in Darwin’s theory, then ten thousand years ago we were just coming out of caves and hunting and gathering for survival after surviving the last Ice Age. As we know, the ancient Egyptians were more or less a primitive culture four and a half thousand years ago, as the clues and evidence we find tell us. We have evolved into humans with the technology that they would believe us to be GODS! Mega machines, planes, jets, cars, and oh ya, computers. They weren’t that dumb though, they moved massive amounts of huge stones into place with the precision that still mystify us today. But, even with all the technology we have it would be almost impossible to duplicate. As you see I said “almost.” We could, but it would cost a fortune, and not even the richest would consider it. So we today count on history to be set in stone, no punt intended, but all we have to go on is written in stone. If there was any metallurgy like we have today we would have found it in some of those ancient tombs found in Egypt or one of many other sites on the face of the Earth. But, the remnants of ancient archeology that has been found recently still has the science and archeology communities scratching their heads. One site in particular has the evidence that could, and should, change everything about this debate. There are many sites around the world, but Gobekli tepe in Turkey, and Puma Punku and Tiwanaku in Peru (Google them, very interesting) are the best to suggest that there was a superior culture way before the Egyptians, and even before Adam was created some six thousand years ago. (I can have only so many characters so I'll continue with another comment.......)

  2. There is also a site that I found by accident when I was roaming around in Google Earth checking out all the shore lines of all those Islands that are out in the Pacific. It's called Nan Madol, and has a sunken ancient city said to be around the time of some of the other sites and is still not understood. There are those that think that some alien race was living on this planet tens of thousands of years ago, and they were the ones who built some of these massive, and mystifying places on Earth that time has long forgot. But beings from another wold is just beyond our reach to believe in and would take a hell of a lot more evidence to prove, (like them introducing them selves to us so the whole world could see.) And the one thing that is the most puzzling about these sites is that there have been no tools of any kind found. So, even if we did evolve from “by chance,” I don't think that we have our whole true history. We probably would if all of those ancient secrets weren’t burned or destroyed back when history didn't mean that much to us humans, a sad time indeed. Many, many copies of books have been destroyed over the centuries, but the Vatican holds all of the surviving ancient books and texts. I believe that they should enlighten the whole world and release them all!

    Interesting about the finger thing. So there could be another theory that if we were to supply a bunch of monkeys with tools, over a long period of time, they too would evolve into us humans since we evolved from them. I think that the way we evolve from here will be unusual. The future, in there is, will be digital. Everything will be digital so our minds might actually change to some computer like membrane. Maybe the terminator might come true. Machines taking over the world and using us for slaves or batteries. Future history is hard to predict.............
