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Tuesday, July 24, 2012


In our July 20th post we mentioned that the Aurora Theater killer's mother made a statement about "You've got the right person." when discussing her son. Everyone, including us, misinterpreted that to mean she was saying she knew her son was capable of committing such a heinous act. She was actually responding to the newspaper person who was calling telling them that yes indeed they had reached who they were trying to reach. The story was misquoted in the press. And they should have known better. And so should we. Whoever made the call to her at five A.M. was was out of line.  When they made the call they were trying to verify if this was the family of James Holmes. We wonder how many other families were awakened at that time of the morning by an overzealous news reporter looking for an exclusive. The Holmes family has come forth and said they will stand by their son. As they should, this must be the hardest thing that they have ever faced. Everything seems to point to Holmes as having a normal upbringing, they certainly had no inkling that he would lash out in this fashion. It is our hope here at The Crazy that the family somehow avoids the invasion of their lives that is to follow. We know how unlikely that is. But it's important that people remember that James Holmes mother, and father are as saddened and as horrified by these events as anyone. And they may eventually watch their son be put to death. Here at The Crazy, we hope we learn from our mistake. We will try anyway. The mother of James Holmes will never read this, but we apologize. And to the few people who read this blog (the incredibly small and miniscule number of you.) we apologize also. We'll try to do better. Really. Ciao for now.


  1. I do feel sorry for his mother, but his father is a different story. It just so happens that his father is involved in one of the biggest banking scandals in WORLD HISTORY. He is set to testify in a week or so at a cort apperence in front of a US senate panel on the LIBOR scandal. This scandal has the potencial to destroy the Western banking system as we know it. His blue blood family links go back to the Mayflower. He is the seinor lead scientest with the American Credit Score Company FICO, which every American has to go through to get their credit score for barrowing money. This case has the potencial to put him and a host of others in jail. This is NOT just an average guy that the media puts him out to be.......
    Just thought I would put this story out there for you to read. Who knows if this has anything to do with this whole bullshit event???????? Smells funny to me.........

  2. Did not know that. Thanks for pointing it out.
