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Monday, August 20, 2012

Sorry this is a political post. If you don't like politics move along.

We recently placed a post here stating.. "Vote for Obama, his lies are prettier!" making a joke about politics and politicians all being liars. It seems to have raised the ire of at least one reader, who posted a response with quite a few right wing beliefs posted as fact. Of course we can't let that stand without at least attempting to clarify our position. Let's start with the beginning. In the post the anonymous writer stated Obama lied when he said he would be a one term president if the unemployment didn't improve. Of course that's not what President Obama said. The exact quote was base on the effectiveness of the stimulus package. And it was  “If I don’t have this done in three years, then there’s going to be a one-term proposition.” Meaning that he would not be reelected. Certainly not a lie as that may still happen. He never said he would not run again. So who's lying here? Ok, on to lie number 2. The anonymous writer calls President Obama "the welfare king."  Let's look at the facts shall we. During the Bush administration Food Stamp Recipients rose by 14.7 Million people. As of January 2012 during the Obama administration they rose 14.2 million. And have gone down since then. Who is the Welfare King Again? Next he talks about the Obama administrations Justice Department as being a bunch of criminals.Mentioning the Fast and Furious Scandal and not prosecuting Black Panthers intimidating voters at a polling place. The Black Panther thing is the easiest to dispense with so we'll deal with that first. Yes two members of the Black Panthers were using intimidation tactics at a polling place on election day in November of 2008.  The Charges against the New Black Panther party was dropped because the two men arrested claimed no affiliation with the New Black Panther party and acted on their own. The Charges against Jerry Jackson one of the two men who were accused of intimidating voters were dropped because Police officers who were called to the scene interviewed him and found him to be a certified pollster and allowed him to remain.  It should be pointed out that NO voters in the precinct filed a complaint about intimidation. The injunction against Mr Shabazz of voter intimidation stood.  The punishment for federal Voter intimidation is currently a fine or in some cases up to a year in jail. The punishment of Mr Shabazz was left to the Philadelphia legal system as that is where the crime was committed.  Oh by the way President Obama has NO say so as to what type of punishment a person should receive under court order in Philadelphia. Now on to the Fast and Furious debacle. You are right. Something shady was going on there. It had to do with the fact that ATF officers wanted to seize the weapons but couldn't. Why? Because the weapons were legal under Arizona gun laws. For the first time, the lead agent in the Fast and Furious case, Dave Voth, speaks out, as do other agents. Linda Wallace, a special agent with the IRS's criminal investigation unit, who was detailed to the case, is quoted saying, "Republican senators are whipping up the country into a psychotic frenzy with these reports that are patently false."  Yes Obama has a valid social security number. The one you are seeing on the extreme crazy rights web pages is a lie. As for his being a citizen of another country. Nothing in the constitution says an American cannot be a citizen in another country and still be president as long as they hold American citizenship and were born here as well. Now about Obama spending millions to hide his past. This is a load of pure bullcrap. Obama is not required to release his college transcripts. But he certainly has spent NO money hiding them. Listen we could go on here for quite a while. It amazes us the lengths that the far right are going to while trying to disparage our President. We haven't seen this kind of insulting and down right lying since the Lincoln, Douglas debates. Anyway we've had enough. Next blog will be about something more interesting than politics. This stuff is annoying. Ciao for now.


  1. So you have your political beliefs - which is fine, but one should be able to rationally support their beliefs with facts and logic - not spin and half truths. For the voter intimidation case, which you claim that 'NO Voter' was actually intimidated because they didn't file a complaint. Has it occurred to you that the voter intimidation worked and that those intending to vote against Obama 'DIDN'T VOTE THAT DAY" because they were scared to get beat up or worse seeing those thugs outside their polling place and no police or anybody doing nothing about it. Just ask yourself, what if a KKK or Skinhead was outside a poling place doing the same thing?? Do you really think your long winded explanation for dismissal of charges for the Black Panthers would apply??? I mean C'MON MAN!! They would be beaten, shot, or imprisoned for life and people like you (and me) would cheer mightily (voter intimidation should be serious crime). Besides doesn't the left always say that whites (with no proof/photos) always do this down South - use voter intimidation tactics (well they haven't done for decades at least). The one we are talking about happened in 2008!

    As for F&F, so you don't want to know who exactly allowed this plan, which had to be signed off by someone high up in the Gov't, to allow guns into Mexican criminal gangs hands that has resulted in at least the death of one federal agent and hundreds of hard working ordinary Mexicans??? You really want to just bury your head on this because Obama is running the show? Would you really feel that way if Bush was the President and this happened?? Me thinks you would be raising holy heck!! Plus I thought you cared about illegals? Why don't you care about them getting shot to death by the ATF guns??!! A lot of people believe that this was a plan designed by Holder to start grabbing guns because of the gun violence that they themselves unleashed. That is criminal in my book. I can't believe you are defending this administration over Fast and Furious. Makes Nixon's crimes look like child play (at least no one died that we know of). Would it be okay to catch child predators by letting them actually driving off with children?? Your partisanship is actually dangerous - people are dying because of your steadfast belief in Barry and you don't seem to care (at least want credible answers)!!

  2. You are grasping at straws. I didn't say no voter was intimidated, I said no voter filed a complaint. (True) And yes voter intimidation takes place. And obviously the Police did something about it. Or we would not be discussing the legal ramifications would we. Long winded dismissal but true. Get your facts straight. Try listening to the Officials and Officers who were actually involved in the events called Fast and Furious. And stop listening to Republican talking heads. You started the response to this blog by misquoting me just as the right constantly misquotes President Obama or prints half the statement he made and leaves out relevant information. I am not defending this administration over the Fast and Furious scandal. I am simply pointing out that you should get all the facts before you jump to conclusions. Are all extreme right wingers like this? Is this why President Bush (notice the full title, and respect for the office.)jumped to conclusions about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, before illegally invading them? I have rationally supported all my beliefs. Each statement I made about all of these issues is true. Facts from the real world. Sure I am upset about the guns being used to kill Americans. And Mexicans. And eventually the truth will come out. But it will be a FAR removed thing from the obfuscation currently being spouted by the right. President Obama is far from perfect. But he is certainly not the evil dictatorial tyrant the right wing pundits make him out to be. I am going to stop trying to point out the truth to you now as you have obviously been bought and sold by Fox news. I hope you can find some peace in your paranoid world. Good luck with it anyway. Thanks for reading the blog. And for commenting. It's good to see people passionate about their beliefs. Now go away for a while you are giving me a headache.

    1. What interests me is the number of "Czars" appointed by the president. I recall hearing something about one of them, Van Jones. Not a very good pick, for his communist aditude. Have you heard of any info about him? I thought only Russia appointed Czars. What about all the rest, fourty of them I think. Why would he need so many? It's one thing to have advisers, but Czars, do they belong in a different category other than advisers. Wonder how much athority they have in him making his decisions. I've never really got into politics. I've never voted for a president,(does that make me a bad person?) even when I was in the army under president Reagan's administation I never voted. I know it's my constitutional right, but that's just it, it's my right to do so or not, I chose not as my right. I think that with the way this country is now, many people in the past, and present have voted wrong. Just saying.........

    2. Officially it was Franklin Roosevelt who first appointed a "Czar" but in all honesty the term was used long before that, usually negatively. I think the right is making a mountain out of a molehill on these posts. And of course the Obama administration is not using the term anymore. They are simply advisers.Every President appoints advisers, and forty of them isn't really any more than any other President. I personally don't have a problem with Van Jones, he was appointed an adviser for Green Jobs. So what if he had some early communist ideas, many students of his era did. He seems to be a capitalist attorney now. I always tell my friends who don't vote that they don't have a right to complain. But if you don't want to vote that's your business. I think you should though. It was Glenn Beck and his ilk who are starting up all the communist scare crap again. Didn't we settle that bullshit with McCarthy? President Obama is not trying to turn us into a communist or socialist country. And he won't be the first President to start a Socialist style program. (What is Social Security if not a socialist program?) I'm not sure I agree that people voted wrong. Sure we have had bad Presidents, (and even the good ones have done bad things.) but our country is still one of the strongest and most vibrant on Earth. And our ideals draw millions of people to try and live here. We must be doing something right.

  3. Our ideals draw millions of people to live here?? I thought the Third World horde came here because of the free healthcare, free schooling for their kids, free housing, free food, preferential treatment from local, state, and federal Government, etc.. Our ideals??? Why don't these people ever go back to their home country (hell-holes) and bring our mighty ideals back then?? They are just here for all the free stuff and really don't want to assimilate. Wow are you naive or just plain disingenuous.

  4. I have met people all over the world, and found them to be mostly hard working, family oriented, and peace loving. Yes some people come to this country expecting a free ride. Our ancestors used to talk about the streets being paved with gold. But the country was built on their sweat and tears, (it's shameful that the people who built the transcontinental railroad were treated so badly.) When applying for citizenship they have to learn about our history, our constitution etc. I have attended a swearing in ceremony for Citizenship. It's something you should see if you never have. (And I can guarantee you they know more about the branches of government and how they interact than you do.) Every person I talked to, talked about coming to a country where they were free to pursue their dreams without a dictator or the government telling them what they can or can't do. I am willing to bet you have never interacted personally with a recent immigrant. Am I right? Sadly most people who come here now are escaping from something with the hope that life will be better here. And it is. I am not disingenuous. Nor Naive. I am however an optimist. By the way, many of these people DO go back to their hellholes to try and make life better for their own people. Open your eyes. Do some research. Quit listening to the bullshit troweled out by Fox news and Glenn Beck. No, immigration isn't perfect. Neither is our government. But I certainly would rather live here than any place on earth. In the months I was stationed at Lackland Air Force Base, I met hundreds of immigrants, some who could barely speak english. EVERY ONE was trying to learn our language. EVERY ONE was working. They saw our country as the greatest nation on earth. And I agree. Obviously you don't. I am glad that my experiences kept me from becoming a bitter hate monger. (Which is what you are coming across as in your posts.) I don't know if you are really filled with as much anger as you sound like. Maybe you are just trying to be sarcastic, but damn, you sound angry as hell. Try some breathing exercises or something. You obviously aren't going to change my mind on these matters, and It certainly seems I won't change yours. So from this point on, I suggest we agree to disagree. I am looking forward to the future. I see a better tomorrow. (No not all sunshine and lollipops, but a better world.) Anyway, that's all I have to say on that matter. I hope you have a good day. Sounds like you need one.

  5. Try some de-cafe! Always 2 Joker cards in every Libs deck of cards. The HATE and/or RASCIST card. I have to admit you keep using it because it has worked for decades now to the detriment of the country (and other Western Nations).

  6. If the shoe fits... Let's see, identifying an entire race of people by negative stereotype... Hmmmmnnn...

  7. Doesn't everyone find negative stereotypes fun?? BTW - I have found stereotypes (both positive and negative) to be 100% true. So just because you say something isn't true doesn't make it so!! Okay here is my props to Hispanics; They are mostly Catholic, they believe in the family, they are NOT part of the white liberal Gay Agenda, they invented Tacos which I like,(burritos not so much), some do work hard at backbreaking labor (farm fields, slaughter houses, maids, etc.). However you should know that most people nowadays are not so sensitive as yourself nor inject personal feelings into every debate or argument. I mean even High School kids in California have fun with the Hispanic culture. Check out this article (but you probably wont).
